…So Jimi Tewe, the convener of the 7 Star Worker Conference invited me to be one of the panelists at the event. You can guess what the feeling was, “excitement”. Not only did he put our names on the flyers but he also created customized flyer for each speaker and panelist.
I guess you know I’ve spoken at a lot of great events prior to this. In fact, I’ve organized programmes attended by hundreds of people ( my largest events before now had 1300 people in attendance). However, this event was different; it was going to hold a day to my birthday (*wide grin*).
You see, I was clocking thirty something and looking at forty ahead and I have been thinking, I need to be very successful; to do more, make more money (you know), achieve more and all the mores. As much as all these are very good and very important, the event re-iterated something else.
I know I’m young and I’m not doing badly in my career, in fact I think I’m doing very well. However, sitting on that platform and looking at the expectant faces of the over 1000 participants at the event and the passion with which the speakers and the panelists (including me) spoke, I know there’s another ‘more’ I need to add to the list of ‘mores’ and that is ‘give more’. I have long realized that Success in itself is weakened if it is not geared towards Significance.
Beyond the opportunities for networking, learning and meeting old friends the event provided, I was reminded that there are so much we can do to make our generation better if we look beyond becoming more and just give more.
Giving is not just about sharing money, you can give your time, your energy, your experience, your expertise just to add value to someone else. You might not have the influence to get over a thousand participants to attend such an event but you can add value to that young girl, young boy, friend, sibling, your team, department etc. with just anything you have that they might need.
You might be saying “but I also have needs”. What do you think will happen when all of us are adding values? Values will definitely go round. Quoting Jesus Christ,
“Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back– given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity. ”
My mentor, John Maxwell described the journey from mere success, getting, achieving and having to significance, blessing and giving:
“After sometime I came to understand that success is: knowing your purpose in life, growing to your maximum potential and sowing seeds that benefit others. The big question is: Once you’ve learned something, do you have a heart to share it with others, or do you hold it for yourself? Success is indeed a journey, but if you stop at adding value to yourself, you miss the reward of significance.”
Kudos to Jimi Tewe and team for the great work, the question is, what value will you add or will you just live your life taking and never giving? Harry Akinola