Love Gives


1 Corinthians 13:4a (NIV)
4a Love is patient, love is kind.

I once entered a 53 years old lady’s office and handed her a copy of my second book- ‘A Mind To Work’. She was so happy that she stood up, came over to me, hugged me and was shedding tears profusely.

I was of course surprised! She told me, she went through surgical operations recently where a cancerous part of her liver was cut off! She doesn’t have complete stomach and just a day before, she got her date for a heart operation.

I still can’t figure out how my book was of relevance to her situation, but she must have seen love and kindness through my act of giving.

Show someone love, kindness and care today, you might be healing them. Give something; a simple smile will go a long way. Have a blessed day – HA

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